

The Imperative for Artificial Intelligence

We all need to start moving on AI.

“Artificial intelligence will be mission-critical to future industrial development. This editorial spells out a real and growing need throughout the defense community that overlaps with industry needs today. The use of AI will dramatically improve the quality and speed of training, especially when wed to virtual and augmented reality (MR/XR).” – Matthew Wallace, CEO & President


artificial intelligence

The United States enjoys a long track record of dominating conventional military operations, driven in large part by our technological superiority — the nation’s ability to develop new capabilities and rapidly integrate them into military operations.

However, continued dominance is not assured. Whereas in the past the military funded most major technology breakthroughs and thus could prevent potential adversaries’ access, today commercial entities lead the development of cutting-edge technology, providing rivals with the opportunity to obtain and rapidly operationalize advanced capabilities, weakening America’s traditional advantages.

To protect the U.S. military’s technological edge, government, industry and academia must work together to develop and operationalize artificial intelligence, the technology most likely to drive outcomes on future battlefields.


Read more at National Defense Magazine

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