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septembre 18, 2018
The Imperative for Artificial Intelligence
We all need to start moving on AI. “Artificial intelligence will be mission-critical to future industrial development. This editorial spells out a real and growing need throughout the defense community that overlaps with industry needs today. The use of AI will dramatically improve the quality and speed of training, especially…
septembre 13, 2018
Building Connecticut’s Workforce Pipeline
We’re looking at local concerns in the Hartford Business Journal’s series of Building Connecticut’s Workforce Pipeline articles, but know that similar challenges exist in industries across the globe. Vast web works to meet Connecticut’s labor challenges As this article highlights, the ‘need’ for skilled workers is there, but are…
septembre 6, 2018
Economy Surge Pressures Workforce, Highlights Skills Gap
The skills gap is real. In the Permian Basin, skilled jobs are going unfilled due to a shortage of skilled workers. And, far from low paying jobs, employees with two-year degrees make more money than do masters degrees. We need to support the skilled trades with better training, today, to…
août 16, 2018
Training with Virtual Reality and Simulations
Virtual Reality & Simulations for Immersive Learning & Skill Development It’s no secret that virtual reality has a lot of potential in training and education. In fact, VR training and education tools offer a great deal of flexibility, accessibility, and are a great way to create immersive and engaging learning. We think…
août 14, 2018
Consideration of Manufacturing in 2068
In May, Alan Rooks the Editor in Chief at Manufacturing Engineering considered the rise in automation and its effect on the skills gap. If it is possible now (2018) to automate 50% of all skilled jobs, and by 2060 maybe all skilled jobs are automated, what happens? “One theory I…
août 9, 2018
Workforce Development – It’s a Big Deal
“As this generation transitions into retirement, younger, less experienced workers are left to fill the void with many in need of training to master essential skillsets and bridge the knowledge gap… How do we locate, recruit and train these potential employees to become contributing members within our industry?” – Todd…
août 7, 2018
Innovation, Robotics, and Precision in Agriculture
No one said innovation was an easy job, robotics included. Fraught with trial-and-error and iteration after iteration, change simply takes time and effort. The benefits, in the end, are what keep us going. “Buoyed with the help of John Deere, Blue River is at the nasty, dirty and difficult…